Finding God?

‘when the human spirit is most broken – this is where you will find God’

I don’t think we know much about God anymore…we are a very convenient culture. We have semi-rich preachers telling us about what to believe about God. Churches are really just middle class culture clubs complete with who’s on what board and when is the next picnic? The culture around us is very convenient in general…pre-packaged foods, fast food joints, huge clothing chains, coffee places…is it just me or does anything and everything come pre-packaged and advertised? It leaves very little room in a search for God – the need just isn’t there.

Now that may not be the worst thing – after all we are building off of the backs of the hard work of many good people before for us for centuries now…maybe those people recognized a need that we built upon and now benefit from. In their search for God they sought to make it easier on future generations…and did.

Maybe there is less need for God when things are going ‘so good’? At least, that’s my reasoning. I don’t think that is bad – human self sufficency – it just shows we have grown with what we have been given…and how can God be mad at that?

However, pain and struggle occur on a daily basis in this world – not everyone lives in convenience. I find in these places of pain and struggle the brokeness of humanity…and with it the need for God. I have been there a lot of times in my live coming from poverty and just recently to having to re-examine my marriage. I find the neccesary strength when I turn in frustration to God – or just in dire need. I see it in videos on the civil rights movement, in Gandhi’s struggle with being oppressed, and even in the gay rights movement and the hurt there.

That’s why I said it…it’s like when the human spirit just cannot handle anymore there will be relief.

11 thoughts on “Finding God?

  1. You might find, if you ever become an atheist, that you can handle problems just as well without God, and perhaps even better. Let’s face it, God is just an emotional pillow for us to cry on. When all’s said and done, you still have to DIY. You might find it easier to solve life’s problems without the emotional baggage that comes from having to deal with the concept of a God who’s watching over every little thing you think.

    I do admit I find it a habit to resort to praying at times (especially come bedtime). But it’s an unnecessary habit. Perhaps even a bad one.

  2. Being an atheist probably would make it easier to deal with lifes problems. And yes, at the end of the day it is all up to you. I do, however, believe it’s wrong to blame God for our own ignorance.Christianity (I speak of Christianity because it is the only religion I have personal experience with.) has far to long allowed narrow minded, angry bigots to dictate how we are supposed to believe. I for one can no longer subscribe to that belief system. I believe we all have a spark of divinity within us,and I mean everyone! Jews, Christians, athiest, muslims, black, white, straight, gay everyone! If we would just follow the truth placed in our souls all of humanities problems couuld be solved. I know that sounds really optimistic. But hey, we all need hope!

  3. Yes, Chris, that does sound overly optimistic. For me. Still, glad it works for you. We certainly need optimistic people to be around.

  4. Temaskian,

    I checked out your blog, and I agree with much of your thought process. Well, except for the whole God thing. Does that make me a closet athiest or you a closet believer??
    lol Good stuff, bro!

  5. We’ve probably gone through the same kinds of encounters with religion. Most people do, sooner or later, if they stay in the church long enough.

  6. “You might find, if you ever become an atheist, that you can handle problems just as well without God, and perhaps even better. Let’s face it, God is just an emotional pillow for us to cry on” (Temaskian)

    Truth be told Temaskian – you’re right. I would live pretty much the same life I do now if I decided to declare myself an ‘atheist’…not much would change for me. However, I am not poor anymore either and facing some of life’s hardest struggles…but one time that was me.

    So, for me, it’s a matter of a reality check. What do you think got me to this point Temaskian? There is something about having nothing that requires one to have faith – that life can be better than what it is – that pushes one to higher hopes in spite of conditions that range from dire to dangerous. Faith in God provides that – and I admit 100% it ‘saved’ me…in the sense I was ‘saved’ from the conditions I grew up in and was allowed to be exposed to.

    Now faith is all about the things ‘hoped for’…and I reached every single goal I set for myself from when I was 17 and just escaping the hood mentality. I’m 34 now – I am a grown up and life worked out pretty damn good…I got educated, married, own a home, nice vehicles, have a great job, etc. So yes, I could pack it all in and declare – I am now going to be an athiest…truth is I see less need for a God when you live comfortably. I live pretty damn comfortably.

    But I always ask myself this (reality check time) ‘would I be where I am today if I did not develop my faith in God?’. Would I treat people the way I do? Would I care as much as I do? Would I have the 1/2 the insight I have developed over time? Would I have even gotten educated? I tend to think none of this would of happened had I not some 17 years ago (as a teen) decided to give faith a chance…this Christian thing.

    From all projections I can logically make, from judging all of the other people who I grew up with (some are dead now)…I would have had less education (to none), have a few children (maybe be married – likely not), not actually own much of anything, have a prison record, wouldn’t have developed many of the skills I take for granted now (ie: my personal discipline and writing), may or may not have developed a serious drug problem or another addiction, work trade labor or not have a job, possibly be dead from a variety of violent scenarios, likely be unhealthy, etc.

    For me, it makes no logical sense to claim atheism as something to classify myself as. Faith, as much as I am comfortable now, actually helped push me in directions that saved my life – and if I have kids – set their future on a much better path than I knew. I respect people that make the claim to be ‘atheist’ – I cannot make such a claim because for me it would be ‘lying’ about what ‘made me’.

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