Guilty by ‘Word’ Association

I decided – we need some word association to help define aspects of our faith – so I decided let’s play a little game for some fun.

Finish the sentences with an answer that best describes you or the situation at hand.

1. Sin is when I…

2. I like it when someone tells me…

3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to…

4. Good people can be defined by…

5. The goal of my life is…

6. Evil people can be defined by…

7. Good is to God as evil is to…

8. Bad things happen to good people when…

9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…

10. I am the best me when I…

PS: Yes, there are wrong answers and these will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

PSS: Kidding, no one can really be wrong – it’s a personality/theology test I made up.

21 thoughts on “Guilty by ‘Word’ Association

  1. Another fascinating idea, Jason. Here goes…

    1. Sin is when I…
    think on my own.
    2. I like it when someone tells me…I actually matched my clothes.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to…Savior.

    4. Good people can be defined by…not putting their own interests first.

    5. The goal of my life is…to write works that make others think more deply about God.

    6. Evil people can be defined by…people who love themselves more than others.

    7. Good is to God as evil is to…satan.

    8. Bad things happen to good people when…they happen.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…being conceived.

    10. I am the best me when I…consider Christ before I say or do something.

  2. 1. Sin is when I…do something that breaks a relationship in an adverse way

    2. I like it when someone tells me…good work young chap – you rawk

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to…salve (sorry OSS – had to borrow it)

    4. Good people can be defined by…their moral actions

    5. The goal of my life is…to have a very content/normal life and be happy with all I put my hands to work on

    6. Evil people can be defined by…their immoral actions

    7. Good is to God as evil is to…neglecting morality (ie: a Good God)

    8. Bad things happen to good people when…we allow it to be the bane of someone’s existence

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…having the ability to change

    10. I am the best me when I…able to treat other people with the consideration they desire to be treated with

  3. 1. Sin is when I… miss the mark.

    2. I like it when someone tells me… I’m a thinker.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to… healing (Quite all right on the borrowing, Society. You went where I went).

    4. Good people can be defined by… their fruit/moral actions.

    5. The goal of my life is… to live it well.

    6. Evil people can be defined by… vice versa of good people. Also by their fruit/actions.

    7. Good is to God as evil is to… nothingness/emptyness.

    8. Bad things happen to good people when… the wind blows.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…image of God.

    10. I am the best me when I… remember that other people deserve to be treated with respect.

  4. 1. Sin is when I…do something or not do something that hurts another living being

    2. I like it when someone tells me…Thank you Dave, that really helped

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to… someone or something rescuing you from certain peril

    4. Good people can be defined by…their character and actions

    5. The goal of my life is…make this world a better place

    6. Evil people can be defined by…their character and actions

    7. Good is to God as evil is to… the forces of darkness, be they human or spirits.

    8. Bad things happen to good people when…ever. It just happens.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…who I am

    10. I am the best me when I…am content and confident

  5. 1. Sin is when I…I don’t think about sin. I know how I’m supposed to live and just try to do it.

    2. I like it when someone tells me…what you said/wrote made me think.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to…?? Salvation with a capital S? Well, I was saved from crashing my car the other day.

    4. Good people can be defined by…pursuing justice, loving mercy, walking humbly with God

    5. The goal of my life is…tikkun olam, make this world a better place (along with thejust1)

    6. Evil people can be defined by…a total lack of compassion for others

    7. Good is to God as evil is to… God

    8. Bad things happen to good people when…its the luck of the draw

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to… SKIP

    10. I am the best me when I…take time to go out for coffee with someone who needs a friend

  6. 1. Sin is when I…
    “miss the mark” of “perfection”/”holiness”.

    2. I like it when someone tells me…
    that I’m doing alright, that something I said or did made them think.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to…

    4. Good people can be defined by…
    the predominant goodness that comes through the lives they live (following “the golden rule”, helping other people, being supportive, encouraging, etc.)

    5. The goal of my life is…
    to be the best “me” that I’m ordained (for lack of a better word) to be.

    6. Evil people can be defined by…
    the predominant bad that comes through the lives they live (being mean, self-centred, inconsiderate, etc.)

    7. Good is to God as evil is to…
    Satan acting with God’s permission. (See the beginning of Job.)

    8. Bad things happen to good people when…
    …I don’t know. Stuff happens.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…
    I don’t know how to complete this.

    10. I am the best me when I…
    try my best to do for others.

  7. 1. Sin is when I… fail to understand that God’s love is greater than any of my shortcomings

    2. I like it when someone tells me… they’re happy.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to… life.

    4. Good people can be defined by… breathing.

    5. The goal of my life is… be happy.

    6. Evil people can be defined by… christians.

    7. Good is to God as evil is to… huh?

    8. Bad things happen to good people when… they live on earth.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to… a child.

    10. I am the best me when I… am breathing.

    See, you all thought I was wacky… now you KNOW it! 😉

  8. Ok, I am going to do this before I read everyone’s responses… so I may have more to add later, but for now:

    1. Sin is when I… cause someone else pain.

    2. I like it when someone tells me… that they read my blog. 🙂

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to… Universal.

    4. Good people can be defined by… what they do to build up their family and community.

    5. The goal of my life is… have God talk to me before I depart this life (I won’t hold my breath waiting for that one).

    6. Evil people can be defined by… their selfishness and discourtesy.

    7. Good is to God as evil is to… (church lady) Hmmmm… could it be…. SATAN??!

    8. Bad things happen to good people when… shit happens.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to… saved.

    10. I am the best me when I… am in a coffee house with friends or on a walk with my family.

  9. 1. Sin is when I do things that I intuitively know are hurtful.

    2. I like it when someone tells me…I am loving.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to…being ok.

    4. Good people can be defined by…the goodness they radiate.

    5. The goal of my life is…to Live.

    6. Evil people can be defined by…their lack of Love.

    7. Good is to God as evil is to…ignorance

    8. Bad things happen to good people when…they join in the human experience.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…divine

    10. I am the best me when I…FLOW.

  10. 1. Sin is when I… drink beer

    2. I like it when someone tells me… that God has a wonderful plan for my life

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to… being conservative

    4. Good people can be defined by…voting Republican

    5. The goal of my life is… to see the Giants win the World Series

    6. Evil people can be defined by… reading a dynamic translation of the bible

    7. Good is to God as evil is to… alcohol

    8. Bad things happen to good people when… well, they just don’t

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to… being a dude

    10. I am the best me when I… blog

  11. Love this, Jason!

    1. Sin is when I don’t treat others in the ways I know are right.

    2. I like it when I am sitting in creation, experience life as it was meant to me.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as salvation is to … hmm. Shouldn’t have read the other responses…

    4. Good people can be defined by … being who they were designed to be.

    5. The goal of my life is to … live humbly and truthfully.

    6. Evil people can be defined by … the way they screw other humans over.

    7. Good is to God as evil is to … organized religion.

    8. Bad things happen to good people … because the world is screwed up, and we don’t always do the things we know are right.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to … being true to oneself.

    10. I am best when I am with my kids, laughing, living and just being.

    Thanks for some self introspection this Sunday!

  12. 1. Sin is when I… mistreat others

    2. I like it when someone tells me… that I am doing a good job

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to…

    4. Good people can be defined by… living an ethical life. (ethics and morals being separate things)

    5. The goal of my life is… to die. 🙂 But before I die, i would like to have been a good friend, brother and father.

    6. Evil people can be defined by… I am not sure there are evil people. I think there maybe misunderstood people. Or people who are branded

    7. Good is to God as evil is to… a monkey. Who says G-d is good? I thnk G-d is amoral. G-d just is.

    8. Bad things happen to good people when… for no reason. bad and good things happen to everyone. It is how you react after a situation that defines whether it was good or bad. I think John T said something like this earlier and I agree. Only time will tell if an action was bad or good or to productive or hurtful.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to… skin bag. Whatever messiah and Christ mean are not important to me. I think Jesus was a human being who had some good teachings.

    10. I am the best me when I… love myself more than others and put my needs first. Then I am better able to help others

  13. this is great! really enjoyed reading most comments.

    1. Sin is when I…damage a relationship (process SVS, good stuff!)

    2. I like it when someone tells me…i’m funny/smart/somewhat good looking aside from that big nose of yours.

    3. Wholeness is to holy as Salvation is to… living in the present.

    4. Good people can be defined by…their fruits

    5. The goal of my life is…live.

    6. Evil people can be defined by…their fruits

    7. Good is to God as evil is to…the Baltimore Ravens

    8. Bad things happen to good people when…the day ends in Y.

    9. Christ is to Messiah as being human is to…being Christ

    10. I am the best me when I…love myself, others, and God.

  14. I think it’s interesting that most responses to sentence 2 (I like it when someone tells me) are answered from a perspective of someone flattering/commending/thanking US! Are we really that self-centered that we think about ourselves that much?

    That sentence was well-worded, SocietyVS. It that the outcome you expected? Or purely coincidental?

  15. “That sentence was well-worded, SocietyVS. It that the outcome you expected? Or purely coincidental?” (Bruced)

    I think it was what I expected – we all like to be loved/built up/cared about. In one sense it does seem selfish – but the question is also worded that way – to see what we like about what others think of us. I think it is important for any person to have a good self esteem and to ‘love themselves’ as worthwhile people. I can admire that – I enjoy it when people like me – or say things to that regards. I think it was more of a question to see if we would admit to our self-worth and the value we place on others words.

  16. “What do you do for work?” (John)

    I work at the University of Regina – in Aboriginal Career Services/Career Centre (helping students find work experience and all things related to that). I enjoy it – I liek helping students build their lives from school to the workforce – so they can enjoy the best life has to offer and earn their keep in a positive way.

    Is this because I am on here quite a bit? I know…I should work harder – but it’s summer and downtime for me more or less. 😉

  17. I think it was more of a question to see if we would admit to our self-worth and the value we place on others words.

    I guess my mind just doesn’t work like everybody else’s.

  18. “I guess my mind just doesn’t work like everybody else’s” (Bruced)

    I think it is a valid question though – because it does remind us of our self desires and how we can step over into selfishness. I think in some ways that is what Christianity would label our ‘sin nature’ – the self. Which is weird – since I see the need for a healthy self esteem to be a highly functional person in society. I think faith in God does give us that – we get to see our worth as humans (then in turn the worth of other humans).

    As for my brain, well it functions…lol

  19. **we all like to be loved/built up/cared about. In one sense it does seem selfish – but the question is also worded that way – to see what we like about what others think of us.**

    Well, we are suppose to love others as ourselves. 🙂

    And there is a line between healthy self-esteem, and being self-centered. There are good things about each of us, and it’s nice to have those recognized, so I read the answers in terms of focusing on the positive aspects of each of us.

    The answers would’ve been more self-centered if we had thought that we like it best when people tell us we’re the smartest person in the world, or we’re better than everyone else. Do the answers elevate us above everyone else? Or do the answers just reflect something we like about ourselves?

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